Save Money-Be Safe With Window Tinting

by | Jul 21, 2019

As we approach the hottest part of the year, its time to think about how the intense and direct rays of the sun negatively impacts us. We know that our CFE bills are likely to go up with the increased use of air conditioners and fans. We are also at risk for skin damage and cancer. Most of us think about that risk only happening when we are outside. Unfortunately, it can even happen inside our homes. That’s because most of our windows in Vallarta have unprotected glass.

An effective way to protect ourselves and our wallets is to install tint on the windows in our homes in Mexico. According to the International Window Film Association, window tint, also known as window film or solar tint, can reduce up to 99% of harmful UV rays – the ones that may lead to the development of skin cancer. Applied to the inside of a window, this film reduces the amount of light and heat that enters the home. Since this film reduces the heat, it also reduces the need for the fan or air conditioner. Since most fabrics fade from sunlight, it can also give your furniture, drapes and rugs a longer life.

With all those benefits, its no surprise that more and more homeowners are interested. I spoke with Raul Mendoza who offers a home window tinting service in the Bay of Banderas area. He has seen a significant increase this year in requests for tinted windows. According to Raul, “people want to keep their CFE bills as low as possible. That is still the main reason they get their windows tinted. They don’t realize how much it also helps keep them healthy.” He estimates the average job to take about 6 to 8 hours and he offers a three-year warranty on tinting services.

Window tint materials available are improved, no longer making interiors dark. Today, the light absorbing materials have reflectors that are invisible, keeping your interiors light and bright.

Made from plastic, they are available in different thicknesses. The thickest is security film which is durable, scratch-proof and can prevent glass from shattering. This is a great solution for much of the lightweight glass used here in our Mexico condos and casas. Should the glass break from a storm or by accident, it will develop spider web-like lines rather than just falling apart.

Although window film is generally easy to install, the work and materials come with a warranty if you get a professional to do it. A liquid solution is sprayed on to the clean window. The film is then carefully applied to ensure no air bubbles or creases. It must be left to cure for 24 to 48 hours. It takes longer for darker and thicker films than lighter and thinner ones.

Before you add a window film, remember to check your window warranty first. If you do anything to your window, including adding a tint, it could negate your warranty.

Want more info on window tinting? Email me at     

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