Making You Home Eco-Friendly

by | Oct 2, 2019

Looking for ways to make your home eco-friendlier? Here are some things to consider to be more
environmentally conscious at your home in Mexico (or anywhere!)

Consider going solar-powered.
With our ample sunlight in Mexico, many homeowners have pulled the plug
on traditional electricity and gone solar.
There are a growing number of companies that offer supply and
installation of solar panels. These
products not only save you money, but they also produce zero emissions. That’s great for the environment AND great
for your wallet! On average, the return
on investment to go with solar panels is about ten years. The emissions you eliminate immediately and
significantly contribute to a healthier world.

Continue to reuse, reduce, and recycle.
Single-use plastics are harmful to our planet. If possible, consider using reusable versions
of straws, cutlery, water bottles, and zip-top bags. Many restaurants in Mexico are taking
decisive action by offering a paper straw when you ask, rather than a plastic
straw automatically. One straw does not
make a lot of difference. When you think
of all the straws used globally; however, it all adds up. A great reusable option for plastic wrap is a
wrap made from beeswax. You can find
these earth-friendly options at many of our local farmers’ markets. Wet wipes and paper towels add to increased
waste in landfills. A eco-friendlier
alternative to consider is cloth for cleaning. Eliminating the use of just a
little bit of disposable plastic in each home goes a long way towards a happy

If you are buying furniture, consider what materials the items are made
from before you buy. Ask the salesperson
if the coffee table, sofa, or headboard is made with sustainable
materials. The best eco-friendly
furniture helps conserve resources, is locally sourced and is made without
harsh chemicals. Look for fabrics such
as 100% natural latex, eco-wool, and organic cotton. Recycled materials are also a good
option. Fast-growing woods, bamboo,
locally sourced, and reclaimed wood are some excellent options for crate goods. Although furniture available from big-box
stores may look attractive, consider the amount of energy and fuel it took to
ship across the world. Buying locally or
even within Mexico helps support the health of our planet.

Let technology help you understand and reduce your energy use. With all the new smart technology available,
it is easier than ever to make sure you are cooling your home only when you
need to. Some technologies monitor the
room you are in and automatically adjust only to cool just that space. According to manufacturers, the return on
investment in a smart thermostat is less than two years. Do you rent your home when you are not in
Mexico? Consider getting a sensor that
automatically shuts off your air conditioning if the sliding or patio doors are

Another great option to reduce water waste is to install an eco-friendly
toilet. The EPA (environmental
protection agency) estimates that an average home can save approximately 4000
gallons of water annually with a water-saving bathroom.

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