Closing up your Mexican home

by | Mar 21, 2016

It’s that time of year when many snowbirds return north to their
primary home in Canada or the US.Here are some handy tips that we do for our friends
that you can use as a starter of how to close up your Mexican home.

  • Remove all water from iron (or you will have small
    ants in your iron when you return!)
  • Purchase humidity beads and place in small
    containers throughout your condo.Ensure
    someone comes in once per week to empty and/or change the humidity beads.Humidity beads are available at grocery
    stores and Home Depot.
  • Open all closet doors and shower doors – mold and
    mildew form in places that have no sun nor air movement.
  • Leave all ceiling fans running on slow speed to
    keep air movement circulating.
  • Turn off water at main tap to condo or casa.
  • Unplug all items connected to a power grid.There are a lot of power surges in the rainy
    season and even with a power surge protector, it is better to have items
    unplugged completely.
  • Move all furniture items away from the walls –
    this is good for all year round.Mold
    and mildew form in places that have no sun nor air movement.
  • Put satellite service on seasonal disconnect;
    downgrade internet/phone service if applicable.
  • Pay for Mexican cellular phone bill,
    electricity, water, etc. or learn how to pay online for months you are away.
  • Use up, give away, donate all perishable food
    items from cupboards and fridge.Do not leave
    items in your fridge that could go bad if electricity goes out – power outages
    are common in rainy season and food will spoil in both your fridge and freezer
    if out for long periods of time.The
    smell in a closed container will be very difficult to remove when you return.
  • Lock up valuables.Do not leave them unlocked in your condo.
  • Put flat plastic covers on all drains to avoid
    sewer smells and bugs coming up through the drains in to your condo.
  • If your condo balcony or terrace is prone to
    flooding, place rolled up towels at the doors or windows to soak up water in
    case of heavy downfall.
  • Take all outdoor furniture inside the condo to get
    longer life.
  • Unhook battery of car, wrap car with tarp to
    reduce wear from elements.
  • Put out pilot light if you are not having your condo
    cleaned or anyone staying in your condo while away.
  • Have someone check on your condo regularly
    (every two weeks or monthly) as well as right after storms to ensure there is
    no damage.
  • Fumigate regularly to avoid termites,
    cockroaches and ants.

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