When it comes to outdoor furniture for your home in Mexico, selecting the right material for the frame is critical. Most outdoor furniture has both a frame and a cushion/cover. There are different options available for frames. Outdoor furniture can be a big chunk of your furniture budget. That’s why knowing the pros and cons of each can help you make the right decision as to which solution is the right one for you.
The most common materials used to make the frames of outdoor furniture are plastic, metal, wood and synthetic weave. We are seeing some furniture frames coming on to the market that are made from concrete. Since the cost to transport concrete furniture is more expensive, most people do not consider this a top option. This article will focus on the most popular frame types.
Up until the past few years, plastic furniture was considered the low-cost, low-design option for outdoor frames. The color choice was limited to white, grey or beige. Today we are seeing not only a plethora of colors but also a lot more decorative style. One of our suppliers offers beautiful pieces that are comfortable, stylish and colorful. The items are fade-resistant and are incredibly durable for this climate. Easy to clean and resistant to fading, they are the supplier I chose for outdoor furniture for a new high-end show suite we are furnishing in Vallarta. Two years ago, I would not have considered plastic for a high-end condo.
Option two is metal. In metal, you can choose from stainless steel, wrought iron or aluminum. All three types are all-weather materials. If you are placing the furniture in a windy area, the stainless steel and wrought iron are less likely to slide. Generally, metal frames are covered in a powder-coated paint. This makes them more resistant to fading, water and therefore rust. Just like plastic frames, metal does not need much maintenance. The price of metal frames is more than plastic. If the furniture has features such as rocking or tilting mechanisms or is a high-end design, it can be pricey.
Option three is a synthetic weave. Synthetic weave comes in different grades. It is critical to know the difference between the low grades and the high grades or you could end up paying a lot of money for furniture that will split and crack very quickly. Most of the synthetic weave in the department and big box stores are made in China from the lowest grade of resin. When buying synthetic weave, go to a retailer who is knowledgeable about the different types so that you get the right kind. The right kind should last approximately 7 to 10 years in high sun and salt air environments.
The final option is wood. Teak is and has been considered one of the most attractive options for outdoor. Teak, an all-weather material, is termite, water and wind resistant. It will not fade or rust. Teak does require maintenance. There is a specific teak oil that needs to be applied about every three months. It is not a difficult job, but one that needs to be done regularly.
Would you like to receive a catalog of outdoor furniture and prices? Contact me at sa.novak@solutionsmexico.com.